Page name: Castle in the Clouds [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-14 15:20:56
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HELLO ALL, AND WELCOME TO Castle in the Clouds


All are welcome to join. Anything goes, however there is one rule! You have to be fair. You must always remember that life isn't planned and that anything can happen. Most importantly, Please respect the other members!


The story behind this kingdom ~ The castle has been around since the dawning of time, tho its always been hidden until recently. Several hunderd years ago outcasts from a small land far away, stumbled across the castle. They were soon joined by others who had been thrown out of their homes because of a difference in opinion. They quickly set up a council so that all could have a say in what went on in the kingdom. The laws that were laid down by the Founders have stayed as the basis for the society. The castle doors are guarded by two dragons, belonging to Aurora and Bakuryu.


Castle Members <---That link, is where you can add the decription of your character. If you want to be a part of this wiki, you must make a character.

Castle Training Room <---Is also allowed to be used for RPing! Thought you guys/gals might like a place to train. If you have a problem with another member of this wiki, deal with it here. I dont want it on this page!

If you want to have normal converstations, then go to Normal Convo's Only Please. I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I just rather this page, and the training room only be used for RPing

The bedrooms <--Every member will have his or her own room. It is your own room, do with it what ever you like.


Please do all RPing in the comment section. This space needs to be reserved for information about the Castle. The only ones allowed to change the information on this page are Aurora and Bakuryu.


If you have any questions, just send them to [Angelic nightmares] and they will be answered.


I'm not tolerating much crap anymore. Anyone who vialates the rules of this wiki, will be banned.

Username (or number or email):


2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiled and nodded. " I know sweetheart."

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: "What are you hoping for?" she asks softly

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: "A girl" He responded after thinking for a moment.

2005-11-12 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin stopped outside the gate as the dragon flew over the wall. He looked at the door and decicied to turn around but then the gate opened and he went inside

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: Smiles at im "what do we call her?"

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu thinks for a moment then shakes his head."I dont know."

2005-11-12 [Angelic nightmares]: "Neither do I love," she smiles "but we have 9 months to figure it out"

2005-11-12 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu nods and smiles.

2005-11-12 [Ace118]: Hi

2005-11-12 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin is amazed at the inside of the castle it was beautiful, the people, the houses every thing was beautiful. He acutally felt at home

2005-11-13 [Lorric]: A new birth!? *pulls out hammer and bless the both of you and for a safe birth of your child*

2005-11-14 [KnightAngel]: *bows deeply* I am honoured to hear master and mistress that you have gotten such a blessing of a child

2005-11-14 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu grins and bows to them. "Thank you."

2005-11-14 [KnightAngel]: you are most welcome master *Remagetsu bows then leaps into the cover of the forest* Untill I am needed.

2005-11-14 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu nods and smiles to Remagetsu.

2005-11-14 [Lorric]: ... so all is well here. No demon trying to prey on the living?

2005-11-14 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu laughs lightly and nods."I believe so."

2005-11-15 [Lorric]: oh.. alright then. May the grace of Thor be apon you all. * bows and walks back into the forest*

2005-11-15 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin decied to scan the grounds he went around the castle till he found people by the river, he walked over to them

2005-11-15 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora smiled and waves at Phantom "Hello" she said softly

2005-11-15 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looks up at the man approaching them."Hello."

2005-11-15 [Angelic nightmares]: she puts her hand on her stomach and falls to her knees

2005-11-15 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu blinks then kneels next to his love."Are you ok?!"

2005-11-15 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks up at him, and smiles slightly, "I should be. Doctor said it's nothing to worry about. And that the babys healtly. It should be a normal pregnancy"

2005-11-15 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu still has the concerned look on his face. "Ok. But I'm not leaving your side."

2005-11-15 [Angelic nightmares]: She slowly stands and places his hand on her stomach "You can feel her kicking" she looks at the ground and sighs "Since i'm highly skilled in magick, the doctor said that the pregancy would go by faster, than that of a normal one......"

2005-11-15 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles gently, leans down and kisses Aurora's stomach. He then looks up at her."Seriously?" He blinks and shakes his head lightly."Wow."

2005-11-15 [Angelic nightmares]: "Yeah" She says softly......the sighs "I love you Bakuryu"

2005-11-15 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin saw love for the first time in his life, it puzzeled him yet warmed in up inside. But then he heard some rustling in the leaves...

2005-11-16 [Lorric]: *Lorric steps out from behind an old oak* hello Rathin *smiles*

2005-11-16 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin was somewhat suprised but he let go of his sword, bided ado to the couple and ran back to the castle he had some scouting to do

2005-11-16 [Angelic nightmares]: Waves to Lorric "Hello Lynx" she says softly.

2005-11-16 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin rode out of the gate to the west plains, something didn't feel right

2005-11-16 [Angelic nightmares]: Watches Rathin, and then asks her love "Think he's coming back?"

2005-11-16 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu watches Rathin as well, then looks towards Aurora."I should think so. And I love you too."

2005-11-16 [Angelic nightmares]: she lays her head on his shoulder

2005-11-17 [Lorric]: *Lorric bows slightly and smiles* Until next we meet. *turns around and fades into the shadows of the trees*

2005-11-17 [KnightAngel]: *Remagetsu silently lands on the ground having comed from the cover of the trees* Master Bakuryu! Mistress Aurora! Somethings approaching... And they don't seem to be in a festive mood... Orders?

2005-11-17 [night shade]: just then a dragon flys over all there heads and lands in a field next to them and then changes into a human again and walks over to the crowdand says "What are you all doing in this dangerous area of the mountain you could be killed very easy if you all want to live through this im going to have to come with you all i know all the passages of the land, so what do you say? by the way the names Thor".

2005-11-17 [Angelic nightmares]: She appears in a long black dress, she hair pulled back into a loose braid. "Bakuryu, what do we do? The baby's gonna be born any day now......"

2005-11-17 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu sighs softly."I havent a clue. We havent had time to prepare."

2005-11-17 [Angelic nightmares]: -she places her hand on her stomach as tears start to fall- "Please dont leave again."

2005-11-17 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looks at her and raises an eyebrow, then smiles, lightly kissing her."I'm not going to."

2005-11-17 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks back at him and a smile grows on her face, and she hugs him tightly.

2005-11-17 [KnightAngel]: *looks to them with a faint smile, which was a rare thing with him* Ahem.... Orders?

2005-11-17 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks at him frowning, "I guess we'll have to defend ourselves if it comes down to it"

2005-11-17 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* as you wish mistress *he then bows and leaps up in a tree and takes out his elven bow and puts a bow on the string though not pulling it back just holding it there like that*

2005-11-17 [Lorric]: *flies backwards into the clearing hits the ground and slides. sits up and shakes head* wow. that was a nice one. *rubs jaw* ...*smiles and waves* hello everyone.

2005-11-17 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora runs to Lynx side, and helps him up "Are you ok?"

2005-11-17 [night shade]: "I think we should stay here for the night, i will keep watch for all the night after all i am part dragon" says Thor

2005-11-17 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin stoppes his horse on a hill and sees the huge crowd. He sensed danger and rode back to Aurora and Bakuryu

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: "What's going on?" She asks in a worried voice, clinging to Bakuryu

2005-11-18 [Lorric]: Yeah I good. *rubs jaw* It got a surprise hit onn me that's all. I'm not sure what going on but it sure packs a punch. *smiles, pulls out his hamer and runs back into the forest*

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *looks around with a raised eyebrow and mumbled to himself* Such a rush everyone has... *he then pulls back the string and lets the arrow go hitting just before the leader of the group approaching*

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: she clings tighter to Bakuryu, "Oh please be careful."

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu lifts an eyebrow and looks at Remagetsu."What's going on?"

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *looks back to Bakuryu* No idea but lynx is trying to charge them... Though he does it all wrong... So he keeps on getting smacked back.. And they have stopped now cause of my arrow... They are looking around.

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu sighs softly and looks straight at Remagetsu."How many?"

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at Bakuryu "The baby...." she kneels to the ground holding her stomach tightly

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu looks back at Aurora then at Remagetsu"Handle them. I have to help Aurora." He then picks her up and carried her to the castle.

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: Only around a fifthteen... So it doesn't really seem like an "invading army"..

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu nods as he continues moving."Just take care of them."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Bakuryu lays Aurora on the bed in their room and she looks at him, her eyes full of tears "I'm not ready......"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu gently takes Aurora's hand in his."It's going to be ok sweetheart."

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *looks to his master* Want me to kill them or just neutralize them?

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She holds on to his hand tightly "I'm scared"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu shouts back."Neutralize them." He then looks back to Aurora."I know baby. I am too."

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *nods then puts on some jars at the end of the arrows then leaps further into the trees and shoots hitting straight between the groups individuals and watches as the gas in the jars makes the group fall down unconsious*

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: screams "its coming! And I'm not ready"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu does his best to calm her down."Sweetheart, just calm down. This is what we always wanted remember?" He then kisses her lightly."You have to be strong."

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *comes back from the cover of the forest* They are dealt with... Oh and another thing... Instead of panicing like that then you should relax and breathe deeply and calmly... Otherwise it will take longer.. So just relax... Want some calming herbs?

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: "I want something.....I dont care what it is"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu softly speaks a calming spell, putting it over Aurora.

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *takes a hand down his pocket and stuffs some leaves in Aurora's mouth* Never put a calming spell over someone who is about to give birth unless you want the baby to stay inthere...

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu sighs and removes it."Damnit all."

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *pats his shoulder* Don't worry... I have given her some herbs.. They will make it easier.. And also now it's okay to put the spell on.... Just remember next time you has to be at a birth then give the right herbs before putting a calming spell over the one giving birth..

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Looks up at Bakuryu, tears running down, she says in a calm voice "I love you....."

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles down at Aurora."I Love you too."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at him smiling "We're having a baby"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu nods. "I know." He smiles as well and squeezes her hand.

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora suddenly becomes relaxed and doesn't know that the bay came until it starts to scream, she pulls the baby close to her, and wraps it in a small blanket, she then looks at Bakuryu and says "We have a daughter"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and tears of joy fill his eyes as he looks at his new-born daughter, then kisses Aurora.

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *bows to them* congrats master and mistress

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: He smiles at Remagetsu, then motions him over. He then looks at Aurora."A name..."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She kisses him back, then looks to knightangel "Thank you. My love, what are we gonna name her?"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu thinks for a moment and smiles."Haley Marie?"

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *walks over* Yes?

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles at Remagetsu."What dyou think?"

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at him and smiles, then looks at Remagetsu "Do you like the name?"

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: A name is a name but a most beautiful one you have choosen

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu grins and nods to Remagetsu."Thank you."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at the baby in her arms, and says softly "Do you like the name Haley Marie?" she giggles softly as the baby smiles

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *bows* You are most welcome Mistress

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles down at his daughter and lightly kisses her forehead.

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: "Remagetsu? If anything were to happen to me and Bakuryu......would you be Haleys godfather?" she askes softly

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: If that is your wish mistress then I would take care of her.. *he bows once more*

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks to Bakuryu "Are you ok with that my love?"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: He nods and smiles"Couldn't have chosen a better man myself."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: "You want to hold her?" she asks Bakuryu

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles and nods, lightly taking his daughter in his arms.

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at them both and smiles, then slowly closes her eyes and rests

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu smiles softly and begins to talk to his daughter, then kisses his love lightly on the forehead."She looks just like you sweetheart."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She slowly opens her eyes "But she has your nose and your eyes"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: He smiles and turns slightly pink."Babe."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: "Hmm?"

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: He laughs and smiles."But everything else is yours."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles at him, "Great, she's gonna have elf ears" she says laughing

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *Remagetsu's hat moved by that word* Elf? Which kind of elven are thee mistress?

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She sits up slowly, and tucks her hair behind her ears, so Remagetsu can see her ears "I'm not really sure, my mum and dad died when I was just young. I was always living with someone else. I do know, that I can shapeshift into a wolf, a dragon, and fairy. But I'm terribly sorry I dont know my heritage all that well"

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *examines the ear slightly with narrowed eyes to find out special connections* It could look like those of the elusive highelves... But I'm not sure..

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks at him shocked "You mean royalty?"

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Possibly... Like I said I'm not sure

2005-11-18 [Lorric]: More then likely high... possibly gray. *shrugs* who's to say? *takes a sip from a mug*

2005-11-18 [KnightAngel]: *looks to Lynx* She is surely not a grayelf... Her ears first of all should then have at least a gray tip out at the end.. But these are not gray anywhere...

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Bakuryu laughs softly and moves his hair back as well."You're not alone love. Only, I'm not sure either."

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora looks at Bakuryu and smiles, then looks at Haley, "She has elf ears too"

2005-11-19 [Lorric]: Ummm *looks into a mirror* Mine aren't gray and I'm one. ...where were you origanly from?

2005-11-19 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin noticed the birth from away. He was suprised at how quick it was. But now he needed to stop these rioters. He rode over to them and jumped off his horse and pulled his sword slightly startling the crowd

2005-11-19 [Angelic nightmares]: Aroura looks at Lynx "Who?"

2005-11-19 [Lorric]: you.

2005-11-19 [night shade]: *thor shapeshifts into a dragon and flys away* when he returns to the group he has bad news "mistress the village of archer was destroyed but by what or who i dont really know at this point" looks at Aroura with concern for her and the baby " and yells "EVERYONE SCOUT THE AREA FOR A SAFE PLACE TO HIDE THE MISTRESS!!!"

2005-11-19 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin talked to the people realising what Aroura had just found out, he rode back to them as he heard a scream

2005-11-19 [Omega Zeon]: *teleports to the kindom*

2005-11-19 [Angelic nightmares]: She stands up standing next to Bakuryu and looks at them all "I'm not leaving. This is my home too. I want to help keep it safe."

2005-11-20 [Lorric]: *takes off my robe and sets it aside. underneath it I wear an elven chainshirt, worn leather trousers staind in blood and a large silver belt covered in storm clouds* Can you tell us how was it destroyed? *starts shining up my hammer*

2005-11-20 [night shade]: "Aroura we want you to stay safe as well you do relize that if both get killed in battle the kingdom is doomed dont worry about bakuryu is safe with me ill protect him" hands bakuryu a pendent with dragon on it and says "When ever you are in trouble hold it in your hands and ill be there".

2005-11-20 [Omega Zeon]: *apears infront of night* Dont worry as long as im here, the kingdom will be safe

2005-11-20 [Angelic nightmares]: "I'm not leaving Bakuryu's side. This kingdom is as much mine, as it is his. It belongs to all of us. I'm not gonna sit back and watch my friends battle for a place we all call home." She mumbles a chant as a sword appears in her hands.

2005-11-20 [Omega Zeon]: *grins* well im an ancient warrior and im extreamly powerful. I dont give up.*draws out the sword of light*

2005-11-20 [Angelic nightmares]: "Haley will be fine under the watchful eye of the nurse. I'm helping to protect my home"

2005-11-20 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin rode up to them and jumped off his horse and told his horse to run to the castle. "I shall defend this land to my dying breath" he told them

2005-11-20 [Omega Zeon]: **waves his sword at the kingdom and a wave emites from the sword and slices part of the castle off*

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: *leaps back up in the tree watching the group that's unconsious*

2005-11-21 [Lorric]: What in the name of Thor god of Thunder!? *turns on Link raises my hammer and slams it into his gut throwing him through a tree.*

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: *yawns*

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora stands back slightly shocked "Lynx.....I.....thank you."

2005-11-21 [Lorric]: *growls slightly and stalks over to link and yank the sword out of his hand and rips off his scabard. I sheath the sword and hands it to Aurora* Here you go. *smiles* give to you child as a coming of age gift if you want. *pilfers the rest of his belongings and put them in a pouch with the symbol fo Thor on it. to Link* My church thanks you for your offering. May Thor guide your path. *picks him up with one hand and hurls him over the trees and into the distance. to everyone* Was that it?! *sighs* oh well. so umm where's the inn?

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: She takes the sword from Lynx, and puts a spell on it, so that Haley wont get it until her 16th birthday. "Please, Lynx.....stay in the castle. We've plenty of room"

2005-11-21 [Omega Zeon]: *summans the sword and stuff back to himself and levatates high in the air searching for thor*

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: *is pulled with Links' stuff and sees him in the distance. I let his stuff out of my pouch and runs over to him* So we meet again? *smiles*

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: One thing though. you say not to worry, then you destoy a section of the caslte... why?

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: *looks in a pouch by his belt then nods and leaps back down from the tree and kneels down before his mistress* I present this gift for you, to give to your daughter when she is mature enough to gain it.. But for now I hope you will wear it mistress. *He bows his head and holds out his hands and opens them showing a necklace* This Necklace is a Elven jewlery... For protection.. But it is a bit willpowered.. Which is why it can not just been given to your child just yet.. For now untill she is mature enough you will have to wear it mistress, to protect yourself and your child.

2005-11-22 [night shade]: thor comes out from behind some trees and draws his sword from his side says a chant and the sword blade was ingulfed in flames "im right here link you ready to get this kingdom back?" looks behind the mistress with a keen scense of smell and says "mistress find a hiding place quick there are 5 orgs coming this way about a mile away." turns to the group and says "does anyone have a plan to wipe them out"

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Aurora bows out of resepect, and puts the necklace on. "Thank you, I will give it to Haley when she comes to age." She then unexpededly hugd him out of graditude.

2005-11-22 [night shade]: "mistress you must hide there is no time!"

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: I will not hide! I want to help protect my home.

2005-11-22 [night shade]: "but but ok i have no control over you i will watch you with every sencese that i have to protect you" just then the orgs reached the top of the hill and were spoted "group are you prepared to fight? just remember plans are welcome at any time" draws his sword in defense

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: *grins and raises his bow aiming* How about not getting yourself killed thor? *shoots and hits deadon*

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: so is link with us or not? *yells to Aurora*

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Appears at his side "I'm not sure. I'm not sure whos on our side anymore." She pulls her hair back into a tight pony-tail and draws her sword

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: Who do you trust around here without a doubt?

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks to him and smiles "I rather not say here, out of the safety of my child"

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: Do you trust him then? *point to Link*

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She tilts her head, and narrows her eyes in the direction he's pointing, "Night Shade, yes I trust. But as for Link/Hero of Time, I'm afraid I dont trust him."

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: alirght. *stands up and walks over to Link* do what you did to the caslte again and I'll have your head. *walks away*

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: *tilts his head then shrugs and leans against a tree*

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She puts her sword away and pulls her hair down, so that it covers up her ears, and watches as Lynx walks away "Wont you stay? You dont have to leave the castle grounds."

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: *to Aurora* shall we go?

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She tilts her head, some hair falling in her face. "Go where?"

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: to the rest of the people. You just poped up over here. I'm sure they are concerned for you.

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She looks out of the corner of her eye and waves to Remagetsu, and mouths "Thank you ever so much, for the necklace" She then turns to Lynx, "Bakuryu doesn't mind, I do it all the time....."

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: *blinks* Who are you waving to? *curious, shrugs*

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: *smiles which was a rare sight and waves back* You are most welcome mistress.

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: "Remagetsu" she says softly, pointing to where knightangel is standing

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: ahh! *bows* hello dark brother.

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She smiles at them both, tucking her hair behind her ears

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: *bows his head gently leaning against the tree* Hello there..

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: *blinks* you are not fully Drow are you? I don't mean to be rude or anything.

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: *smirks* No I'm not fully Drow... I'm part woodelf as well..

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: She conjurs a few fallen leaves and watches as they dance around the 3 of them, and smiles

2005-11-22 [Lorric]: ahhh now I see. *bows again*

2005-11-22 [Omega Zeon]: *he goes over to the castle and takes a wizz on it*

2005-11-22 [The Warlock]: *sees mhim and smacks him in the back of the head " why are you defacing this castle it hasnt done anything to you?"*

2005-11-22 [Omega Zeon]: *frowns* but i really really had to go, maybe next time ill use a tree*grins* or u.

2005-11-22 [The Warlock]: *looks at him evily " go on the tree next time ok " *

2005-11-22 [Omega Zeon]: *colects a ball of energy* i rather fight*launches it at warlock*

2005-11-22 [The Warlock]: *do you really think that you can hurt me? laughs at him as he dissappers in to thin air then reappears behind him taps you on the shoulder then punches you very hard then as you lay on the ground ok from now on dont mess with this kingdom or its occupents then dissapperas again*

2005-11-22 [Omega Zeon]: *teleports to where he went and punches him, then watches him on the ground* I can do wat i want

2005-11-22 [night shade]: Thor says "ENOUGH! with the foolishness we have a kingdom to save am i right mistress?".

2005-11-23 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin had been standing by a tree the whole time lixtening to them talk. He kept looking over the hill at the rioters who hadn't moved in an hour now started to run towards them. Something was here

2005-11-23 [Angelic nightmares]: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!" Aurora screamed! "If you want to fight there is a f*cking training room for that. Anyone who pisses on my f*cking home agian, Will become a meal for mine and Bakuryu's Dragons! And Rathin, the guys were knocked out due to a gas bomb thing!"

2005-11-23 [night shade]: "wow that is one big crowd of rioters you all leave now ill catch up with you all in the castle." then thor changes him self into a dragon and turns invisable and flys over the rioters

2005-11-23 [Angelic nightmares]: "Get them outta here..." Aurora yells to Thor in a much calmer voice then before

2005-11-23 [night shade]: thor then spit about a 1000 degree fire at the rioters and as soon as they saw that they turned and ran and says"easy enough"

2005-11-23 [Angelic nightmares]: She plops on the ground where she is sitting, and draws something in the dirt

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: Lets out half of his power and goes up to Aurora and punches her in the face then teleports away*

2005-11-23 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin told thor to stop with the fire. "They're not running at us, they're running from something I'll go check" and with that he was off on his horse

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: *goes and takes a dump on the castle*

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: j/k

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: *laughs* chill it was a joke* he takes out his sword and slices one of the castles towers off* im not done with u

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: *sences him* u havent felt my power u bastard IM A GOD

2005-11-23 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Then while the two bafons are fighting. Rathin pawns themn by slicing off there heads. BOOYAH YOU JUST GOT PUNK'D

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: *regenerates*

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: fool im a god\

2005-11-23 [Omega Zeon]: And i created u, so bow to me.

2005-11-24 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: "Take this Bitch" yelled Rathin as he used an ultra hack and made him super powerful and god killable then shot the fool with his super powers and killed him....for good

2005-11-24 [Omega Zeon]: who me?

2005-11-24 [Omega Zeon]: *overrides*

2005-11-24 [Lorric]: *takes Inferno* you are a god are you?! *grins and pulls him into an anti-magic field. I rip off his limbs and burns then, takes his ashes and sends them to the bottom of the Abyss so that the other gods will feast on his powers* what the fuck was his problem... *blushes as I notice Aurora* I beg your pardon. 

2005-11-24 [The Phantom of the Opera!]: Rathin is now flying around but then decieds to turn back time to the last actual comment to do with the story making all god powers and deaths undone.

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